Le Cercle de l'Harmonie
Johann Christian Bach
As a true pioneer of repertoire, Philippe Jaroussky opens the doors to a forgotten, unpublished repertoire, a real missing link between Handel and Mozart. For the first time, we hear the founding influence that Johann Christian Bach had on Mozart and the writing of his operas. "Bach is no more, what a loss for music! "The exclamation of Mozart, his close friend, testifies to the fame of Johann Christian, the last son of Johann Sebastian Bach. A European before his time, alternately nicknamed "the Bach of Milan" or "the Bach of London", Johann Christian was above all "Bach the cosmopolitan", pursuing his career throughout Europe, between his native Germany, his beloved Italy and England, which he made his adopted home. At the English Court, he was the Queen's official musician. Resolutely turning his back on family traditions, he was the only Bach to immerse himself in the world of opera. With a unique talent, "Bach the Italian" was able to combine the culture inherited from his father and the melodic intoxication that his Italian sojourn had inoculated in him, uniting the melodic vein of the Neapolitan school with his father's science of harmony.
Conductor: Jérémie Rhorer
Label: Erato